True Lavender Offers Calm and Serenity
Harvest Special: Stupendeously Beautiful Lavender - Demeter Certified -
from the Plateau de Sault
20% Discount
Approaching Sault from the South on the D30 this little farmhouse greets the traveler on the right side
Essential Oil Cultivation Sites around the World

True Lavender from the Plateau de Sault

Demeter Certified High Altitude Lavender

Lavender is a centerpiece of aromatherapy, a panacea for everyone seeking calm and serenity. This particular Lavender grows on the Plateau de Sault. Distillation at higher altitudes proceeds at somewhat lower temperatures than distillation at sea level. As a consequence the linalyl esters contained in the flowering plant experience less decomposition and also distill over at a higher rate. The resulting Lavender oil is gentle soft and floral. This Demeter certified Lavender is the most stupendously beautiful Lavender we have had in years.

The Site: Haute Provence

This Lavender is distilled on the Plateau de Sault in the heart of Haute Provence. Sault is classic Lavender territory, where many visitors enjoy the old and rustic center of town with its Provencal food offerings. Also famous is the weekly market which attracts customers from all over the world.

Therapeutic Properties

There is a long list of therapeutic properties of True Lavender essential oil:
Not only is it a powerful antispasmodic oil, it is also sedative, antifinflammative and quite an effective analgesic. Lavandula angustifolia reduces tensions and is especially useful to ease stress, anxiety, worries, fear and out-of-range emotions. For insomnia and nightmares often a few drops on the chest and solar plexus can provide relief. A wonderful gift to parents and co-travellers Lavender calms babies and small children whose nervous system is in stress mode on the airplane.
In the context of relaxation Lavender can also ease stress related asthma and eczema. It speeds up the healing of stubborn blemishes and bedsores. In addition it protects, soothes and restores burned skin.
Another amazing quality of Lavender can be its detoxifying ability to neutralize mosquito bites, spider bites and we have even gotten amazing feedback about the recovery of dogs bitten by snakes.
Of course all these outstanding properties refer to True Lavender, Lavandula angustifola grown from seed. Hybrids and Clones are not quite as versatile.
One of many recommendations for a relaxing blend would be to add small amounts of May Chang, Frankincense and Mandarine or Mandarine petitgrain to the Lavender oil.
French Style Aromatherapy recommends Lavender, Exotic Basil and very small amounts of Peppermint and Sage for gynecological spasms.
OSA is especially proud to offer this splendid Lavender at a discount of 20%

Special Offer

- 20% OFF -

We are pleased to offer a 20% Harvest Special discount on this great Lavender. Offer is good from October 7th through October 11th, 2022.

Thank you for reading our Authenticity Bulletin #66

Original Swiss Aromatics
PO Box 6842, San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 479-9120

Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy
PO Box 6723, San Rafael, CA 94903

Follow us on Instagram: @originalswissaromatics


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