Modern Magic blends for Skin Conditions

Skin and Tissue


The lipophilic low molecular weight character of essential oil components makes it quite common that they interact with skin and dermal tissue. EO like Helichrysum have unsaturated components which act as free radical scavengers. As such they protect young and nascent tissue from free radicals which arise through the action of environmental toxins or UV radiation. Other actions of EO are their stimulation of the metabolism in the dermal layer or their ability to soften hardened sebum.


These benefits can be combined with the well established anti-inflammatory, antiphlogistic and anti-histamine qualities of oils like German Chamomile or Moroccan Chamomile to form highly effective remedies for wound healing (Injury Magic) or Hematoma treatments (Bruise Magic). In addition to providing healing benefits to injured tissue these blends also dramatically reduce the pain if applied right after the injury.


The antiseptic qualities of mild essential oils such as Thyme linalool or Spike Lavender, can be combined into effective synergies to treat acne (Acne Magic). The metabolism stimulating qualities can be combined into synergies to address more difficult to treat issues such as Eczema, (Eczema Magic) and Psoriasis (Psoriasis Magic). For quite some individuals these blends have produced quick and surprising results. For Cellulite (Cellulite Magic) and Scar Repair (Scar Repair Magic) results may be not as immediate but when applied over time they can still bring about significant improvement with these conditions.






To explore some current results about EO and skin healing please see: Melanoma and Photoaging: Botanical Suppression of UV Damage by Jimm Harrison, in Proceedings of the 7th PIA Conference, February 2009 San Francisco.


To make exploring these blends easier we are pleased to offer the following Modern Magic Synergies at 20% off: 


Acne Magic
Anti-inflammative Magic
Brown Spots
Bruise Magic
Cellulite Magic
Eczema Magic
Injury Magic
Psoriasis Magic

Scar Repair
Varicose Veins Magic

Thank you for reading our Authenticity Bulletin #60

Original Swiss Aromatics
PO Box 6842, San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 479-9120

Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy
PO Box 6723, San Rafael, CA 94903

Follow us on Instagram: @originalswissaromatics


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